Can't Hold Us Down!
On 3/30, airport workers from coast to coast will take action! They’re asking the CEOs of each of the nation’s largest airlines to commit to ensuring that everyone who works at an airport, no matter your race, background or role, have jobs that pay a living wage, provide affordable healthcare and ensure a voice on the job.
MARCH 30, 2022
ORD * DCA & Dulles * PDX * EWR * PHL * JFK * MIA * MCO * FLL * BOS * TPA * DFW * DEN * LAX * SFO * CLT * HOU * PHX * SEA * MSP * ATL
Show your support!
Join Us Now!Tell these airline CEOs: Do right by working people
After accepting billions in public dollars and operating out of airports run on public funds, Airline CEOs pay themselves $5,000 an hour on average, while some airport workers are paid as little as $8 an hour. These are the essential workers who help keep our airports safe, clean and running — helping make flying possible. They deserve to be respected, protected and paid living wages with healthcare and paid time off.
Airline CEOs are squeezing working people — from nickel and diming passengers with fees to encouraging a race to the bottom in wages for largely Black, brown and immigrant workers who do critical jobs — like cleaning cabins, securing terminals and assisting disabled and elderly passengers. We're all fed up with airlines ballooning CEO pay. We want air travel to be reliable and stable — and that starts with good, union jobs.
This past year, we've seen waves of working people who are rising up against CEOs and corporations who exploit workers. Join the #UnionsForAll movement advocating for worker power and let these greedy CEOs know: We're not stopping until all working people are able to have a union. Don't wait. Join us!